Senior In-Home Services

In-Home Services assists individuals who have physical limitations that could qualify them for nursing home placement. With the care our Home Care Aides provide these folks can remain living in their homes independently. Home Management Activities such as cleaning, laundry, shopping and errands, meal preparation, minor incidental services and chores.

Missouri SHIP is the Missouri State Health Insurance Assistance Program that has a highly trained team of 

volunteers who offer free, unbiased assistance to help individuals looking for help navigating the 

Medicare program.

InterServ has a partnership with Missouri SHIP which allows you to make an 

appointment with them by calling 1-800 390-3330 or by clicking the MO SHIP button above. We 

encourage everyone to review their Medicare plan information annually, especially during Open

Enrollment October 15th – December 7th.

Activities of Daily Living such as bathing, shampooing, hair care, shaving, making beds and changing linens, and medically related errands and chores.


Respite Care and Advanced Respite Care providing temporary companionship to relieve family caregivers.


Nurse Visits providing in-home nursing care, medication set-up, medication management and evaluation, safety assessments and diabetic nail care. Services are available through the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services, Northwest Missouri Area Agency on Aging or on a private fee basis.

Consumer Directed Services

The Consumer Directed Approach to home care maximizes the freedom and independence of persons living with physical disabilities. Unlike the traditional based model, InterServ's Consumer Directed approach to home care allows for the hiring of a friend, neighbor, or family member as your personal care attendant. Self direction expands the choice and control over the day to day delivery of their home care services.

Call Us To Learn More

Home/ Personal Services

  • Cleaning & Organizing
  • Grocery Shopping
  • Meal Planning, Preparation
  • Personal Care and Hygiene
  • Respite For Caregivers

Nursing/ Diabetic Services

  • Medication Management and Setup
  • Health Assessment & Monitoring
  • Nail & Foot Care
  • Catheter, Tracheotomy, Ostomy Care 
Call Us To Learn More

Specialty Services

  • Budgeting
  • Management Of Bills
  • Counseling
  • Access To Financial Assistance
  • Home Delivered Meals

Contact Information: in St. Joseph call 816-232-8080.

In Andrew, Clinton, DeKalb and Platte call 1-800-794-0007.

Senior Nutrition Programs 

InterServ's Senior Meals Sites are places where seniors age 60 and over can come to eat a hot lunch, make new friends and socialize with people their own age.


In addition to a healthy lunch, there are many opportunities to socialize and enjoy activities with friends. There is something for everyone–Indoor walking, bingo, card games, exercise, movies and special parties. And, local home healthcare agencies present monthly health screenings and informational workshops to help seniors maintain good health in the later years of life.

Nutrition Sites

Lunch is served at each Senior Meals Site Monday through Friday at 10:30 a.m. to noon

InterServ Community Center: 5400 King Hill Avenue Saint Joseph, Missouri 64504 Ph: 816-238-4511


Wesley Senior Towers Meals: 1002 Francis Street Joseph, Missouri 64504 Ph: 816-244-2574


For Adults ages 60 and over there is no charge for the meal, although a donation is appreciated. Adults and guests 60 and under are welcome to visit for lunch with a donation to the program. Modified diets are available for seniors with dietary restrictions.

March Menu

Mobile Meals Program

InterServ's Mobile Meals program provides a home delivered meal for qualified seniors in our community every Monday Tuesday & Thursday.  Our meals are delivered and served by our friendly volunteer staff to individuals 60 and over who are homebound due to an illness. Our kitchen staff prepares well balanced,  nutritional  meals that are served both hot and frozen.

Modified diet meals are available for those with dietary restrictions.

To inquire about eligibility requirements for our Meals on Wheels program please contact InterServ at 816-238-4511 ext. 235


Interested in Volunteering?  We are always looking for drivers to delivery our meals.  It only takes about an hour to deliver a route and you will be doing such a great service to those who depend on Mobile Meals for their daily nutritional needs. Volunteers are vital to the success of the Senior Nutrition program, please consider becoming part of the team that delivers and serves over 100,000 meals a year to those in need.


For further information about Mobile Meals, subsidized meals, or volunteering as a driver please contact InterServ at 238-4511 ext. 235

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